Blog Share

This is OUR place to "Write it before we Bite it."  Writing is an effective tool. Blogging about our feelings and daily life events will help us to "get it off our chest" before we eat over it.  This is a place for support and encouragement.  Please remember we are here to listen and not judge. No comments or advise given unless asked for.  We are here to fix ourselves and not fix each other.  Express how you feel and then leave it on the blog, shake it off - then move on. Happy Blogging!


I want to give myself credit. (I'll tell you why in a minute) The reason we ALL need to pat ourselves on the back is to focus on the positives changes in behavior. Lets really share the victories, big or tiny. We must stop dwelling on the failures.  I had a huge milestone for me...and I'm so popcorn at the movies...who can do that!! It doesn't taste that good to me and I still want it. We need to be able to see our successes. Failures are only stepping stones to Success. So, share your successes and forgive the failures.  Before you know it you will have more successful days that will overshadow the rest!

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